
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Immune System is the Strongest Defence

Recently an old friend told me about his kid's asthma... been in and out of hospital 5-6 times and occasional wheezy, giving him headache and lost many weekends. This reminded me of my own case almost 20 years ago...

I was not a strong kid when young, I almost visited the clinic every month on flu, cough, fever, etc... which I now understand that was 'not normal' for a healthy kid. My immune system was weak and I never take time to let it be strong and fight, but relied purely on western medicine all the time to get a quick fix.

I became a bronchitic patient in my teen years. The hostel I stayed was having massive construction work, and the dust and cement powders which I unconsciously breath in everyday had caused me one night to woke up in shock of not able to breath! I thought I was going to die because all the phlegm had stuck at the entrance of the lungs and moving in... I stood real straight in order to breath, and fall asleep standing that night at 3am...

The next day, I went to the specialist and got an x-ray full of phlegm plus an injection... the doctor scolded me for not taking care of myself at such a young age... concluded my case as bronchitis. I promised myself that day to take care myself properly. However, with no knowledge on health, those medication did not make me any better, it only help to cover those symptom. Since then, I am careful when around people with cigarette, and refrain from dusty areas, and all cold drinks/food.

Many years later when I got into working life, I managed to cured from it when I took natural organic nutritional supplement consistently and persistently for 10 years. I also distanced myself from coloring, flavouring, preservative... which mainly found in packaging food and fast food. After attended some health seminars and read those health books, I learned a lot about the medical industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the food industry... my thought is: Why fall into the conspiracy of those who use unhealthy things to get rich?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Modern Parents, Be Sensitive!

I grew up with Chinese parents who like to compare their childhood time with current children's childhood time. They said nowadays children are so bless with nice toys, or so lucky someone send them to school... follow by "we do not have such luxury last time." I think I picked up this 'tradition' from my mom and start nagging my children until recently... I stop.

May be God prompted me to think a level deeper, I suddenly found out that children in the past were blessed. They get to walk/cycle to school by themselves, they get to go to the playground by themselves, and they climb trees, run at the nearby hill... until mom call them for dinner. Elder brother or sister get to accompany the younger ones to do something, go somewhere... they get to learn things outside of the house.

Today's kids with nice toys, being sent to school by cars, watch television and play video games in the house... just because outsides is no longer safe to hang around; Nothing about the danger of falling into a river, but more on human related issue -- bad drivers, kidnappers, etc. You saw news that kid being hit by cars on the way to school, kid went missing when they were at playground. Do you dare to let your kids go out without any adult supervision? Not me.

The topic is not to discuss which generations of children are luckier. Parents should comply with the society (safety) of the time to make sure their kids are not exposing to danger of that time. Sad to admit that parents nowadays do not just worry their kids might fall into the river. There are dangers that do not exist in olden days, but parents have to be more sensitive now. For example,

  • Do not put computer with internet in your kid's room if you have not teach them how to 'handle' it, else it is as good as letting a stranger into the room to teach your kid 'whatever' it likes.
  • Do not leave your kid(s) in the car without adult, even you are just away for 2 minutes. What if you meet a friend and start chatting? Besides, teach your kids about safety. Teach them to honk if they are locked in the car (p/s: if you read Chinese, read this article and share with your friends).