Recently I received request from some moms wanting to know how I homeschool. What I can do is to share what I did with my eldest daughter from 3-5 years old, and along the way, tell the things I do with my son now, who is turning 4 years old. Below suggestion are all based on my experience for your reference only - remember, every child is different.
I believe before a parent wants to homeschool his or her child, he or she must first understand each child’s personality. Therefore, parent should start by preparing themselves first before the child. There are books I read before doing homeschooling, and I strongly recommend parent to do the same:
‘Personality Plus’ by Florence Littauer. This book is a must to help you understand your child, along the way it helps to understand your spouse, even your boss!
‘Dare to Discipline’ by James Dobson. This book gives you some foundation you should have when training up your child.
‘Bringing Up Boys’ by James Dobson. This book is for parents who have boy or boys. A must- read especially if you think your boy is very naughty or out of control. This book makes me understand that boy is boy. They are designed to challenge, to survive. They are surely more hard to manage. Understand that they are different from girls, so we don't force them to behave or response like girls do. Don't take away the differences!
‘How to Raise a Positive Child in the Negative World’ by Zig Ziglar. This is an additional reading if you have time. It let you understand the world your child is having now is different from yours 20, 30 years ago.
to be continue...